Current streamflow: 730cfs
Water temps: low to mid 50s

March browns
Quill gordons
Winter black stoneflies
Blue-winged olives

Hot flies:
Parachute purple haze- 16-12
Parachute adams- 16-12
Griffith's gnat- 18-14
March brown dry fly- 14-12

Pat's rubber legs- 12-8
Heavy egg patterns- 16-12
Blowtorch- 16-12
Perdigons- 18-14
Walt's worms- 18-12

Jigged buggers and leeches- 12-6

It's beginning to feel a little more like spring everyday. The cherry trees are blooming in the square and country roads are lined with blooming daffodils and the white blossoms of Bradford pears. Spring peepers can be heard if you listen closely in soggy, lowland areas. This is just the beginning of our favorite time of year. March browns, quill gordons and the other big mayflies of spring are hatching with more consistency every day and trout are starting to take notice.

However, with the spring season comes spring rains, and this week is no exception. Yesterday's rain has brought river flows up, and more rain is in the forecast for Friday and Saturday. Expect high water this weekend. The Tellico is a healthy river, so it won't take long for the stream to clear, but flows will be high. The Tellico Hatchery stocks rain or shine, however, so the fish will be there regardless.

If you're more interested in targeting wild trout, streamflow on the tributaries will drop quicker than on the main river, so it may be a good weekend to look for those wild bows, browns and brookies.