Current streamflow- 280cfs
Water temps- high 50s-low 60s

Yellow Sallies
Golden stones
Black Caddis
Blue winged olives

Neversink caddis
Purple haze
Front end loader caddis
Palomino caddis
Blue winged olive dry

Olive, orange or pink perdigons
Hot bead pheasant tails
Quill-bodied soft hackles
Prince nymphs
Walts worms

It has been a beautiful week on the Tellico River despite frequent rains, with some very consistent fishing. The Tellico and its tributaries are at the perfect levels currently for wading while still having enough flow to keep trout feeding enthusiastically.

There really isn't a bad dry fly or nymph choice right now, as long as it's in the size 16-12 range and you give a solid presentation. All tributaries and the main river are fishing very well. Yellow sallies and blue winged olives are the most consistent hatches this week, with golden stoneflies, black caddis, and other mayflies hatching out less frequently but still present on any given day.

Although we've hit hight temps in the 80s this weekir in town, air temps in the higher elevations have remained in the high 60s and low 70s and water temps are in the 50s and 60s which are optimal for trout activity.

There's scatterd rain in the forecast each day for the rest of this week and the weekend, but we don't expect it to accumulate enough to bring streamflows up for long or blow the river out this weekend.