Current streamflow- 349cfs
Water Temps- upper 40s, low 50s

March browns
Tan caddis
Early brown stoneflies
Blue-winged olives

Hot Flies:

Parachute Adams
Purple Haze
Elk Hair Caddis
Bloody Mary
Prince Nymph
Hot Bead Pheasant Tail

Chernobyl Ant
Foam Beetles
Parachute Adams
Walt's Worm
Asstd. Streamers

It's early spring in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Redbuds and dogwoods are blooming. Trillium, trout lilies, and other wild flowers can be found streamside. Water temps have been slowly rising, and trout have moved into feeding lanes in pocket water, and swifter runs where they will stay through spring and summer.

Wild trout and even a few stocked fish are eagerly pouncing on dry flies. You're likely to see hatches of March Browns on warm sunny afternoons. With the cooler overnights this weekend and into next week, the best hatches and the peak of trout activity will be in the afternoons.

Trout can be found all through the river this time of year, from the start of River Road all the way to the NC line but are spread out due to the high water on stocking days the last few weeks. The best approach is to fish a variety of places along the river until you find fish as opposed to spending hours on one spot.

Give us a call, shoot us a message, or stop by the shop for the latest conditions.