Current streamflow- 480cfs
Water temps- mid 40s to mid 50s

Quill Gordons
March Browns
Winter black stoneflies
Blue-winged olives
Tan caddis (Bald River)

Hot flies:
Parachute Adams 16-12
Purple Haze 16-12
Tan stimulators 16-14
Elk hair caddis 16-14
Walt's worm 16-12
Keller's Peach fuzz (purple) 14-10
Pat's rubber legs 14-10
Jigged buggers (olive, black) 12-10

It's been a beautiful week on the Tellico. Sunny skies and warm temps have brought on the early springtime hatches. Earlier this week, while fishing Bald River and the upper Tellico, hatches of tan caddis and quill gordons were observed in good numbers. Sadly, the streamflows this week on the Tellico and its larger tribs were too high to have many trout looking up to take dry flies, but there were reports of success with dries on some of the smaller tributaries such as Sycamore.

Water levels across the Tellico watershed will be in excellent condition tomorrow for a variety of techniques. Fish will be active in the warmer water temps and will take nymphs and streamers alike. Rising fish may be targeted in calmer pools and tailouts, especially in the early afternoon, as water temps reach their maximum.

There is rain in the forecast for Saturday, so how much that will impact streamflows remains to be seen, but conditions will be near perfect going into the weekend.

Give us a call, stop by the shop, or shoot us a message for the latest conditions.