Stream Report 9.09.22

Current streamflow- 93cfs.
Water temps- 63-68° Depending on location.

Tan Caddis
Yellow Sulphurs
Golden Stoneflies
Small Brown Stoneflies

Hot Flies:
Yellow Stimulator #16-12
Neversink Caddis #16-12
CDC Elk Hair Caddis #16-14
Griffith's Gnat #18-16
Pat's Rubber Legs- #12-10
Rainbow Warrior- #18-16
Hot Bead PT- #16
Prince Nymph- #16-14

Air temps were a little warmer this week but periodic rain showers have kept the water levels at normal and the water temps cool at the higher elevations. While you won't find many stocked fish left on the Tellico, the dry fly action has been phenomenal for our wild bows as well as for the brookies in our higher tribs. A yellow stimulator or neversink caddis with a prince nymph or hot bead PT on a 1' to 1.5' dropper is really hard to beat and will provide action all day long.

We've said it before, but this is one our favorite times of year to fish, while the river is uncrowded and the wild trout are getting their last easy meals in for the summer. Come up and have most of the river to yourself while we wait for Delayed Harvest.

Give us a call, shoot us a message or stop by the shop for the latest conditions. Tight lines.